WATCH is a visual project that includes photographic and video series, that deals with the depersonalization and decomposition of portraits altogether, working from the conceptual basis of the human breach between society and privacy as a consequence of the widespread incorporation of CCTV cameras in public spaces. In such public spaces the citizens, dominated by the control culture and its risk policy, are forced to leave their privacy behind, without as a consequence taking into consideration the over-surveillance and control by the state, but rather social security as a part of a new welfare system. The CCTV security camera is the device used for this control, which records citizen's movement non-stop, "filing" everyone seen through its lenses. By means of the digital collage of photographs taken in the spaces where the cameras are placed, common profiles that by the composition and decomposition of the face are created, so that, assuming the understanding of it as a symbol of identity, a new one, which in reality is everybody and nobody at the same time, emerges.